
Gambling Disorder – Does Genetics Play a Role in the Development of GD?

Gambling disorder is a condition that occurs when a person repeatedly engages in problematic gambling activities. It is a mental health disorder that can have profound consequences on a person’s life and self-esteem. It has similar symptoms to alcoholism and other substance abuse disorders. It can also lead to legal issues. A person with this […]


The History of Casino Games

The history of casino games goes back almost as far as human civilization. The earliest records show people playing dice games more than three thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. The games evolved to include card games and other games based on luck. Ancient Romans also enjoyed gambling and had animal fighting matches where they bet […]


How to Define a Casino

A casino has many different names depending on the game it is. For example, the term “casino” can describe a physical casino as well as a specific game room. In addition to the name, casino games can be distinguished by special promotions, which may be in the form of a rule or free meal. Pumpkin […]